Mission, Values & Vision
Mission Statement
We glorify God and serve His Church by providing higher education centered in Holy Scripture and shaped by Wesleyan conviction. This allows us to prepare faithful servants who proclaim Jesus Christ and spread scriptural holiness throughout the world.
Institutional Goals
To fulfill our mission we are committed to meeting the following goals:
- Provide a basis for Christian faith and life by means of classroom instruction, worship services, fellowship, and Christian role models that will aid students in developing a distinct and satisfying Christian lifestyle.
- Provide programs to prepare students to fill positions of Christian leadership in their respective ministries.
- Provide programs to prepare Christian laypersons to fill supporting roles in the local church.
- Provide programs to prepare students to fill positions in business and office settings, especially Christian business enterprises.
- Provide assistance to churches, Christian schools, conventions, and camp meetings by means of various programs and personnel that aid them in fulfilling their mission.
- Promote the principles of Wesleyan-Arminian theology, which the institution holds as its interpretation of Biblical theology and, therefore, a heritage which must be accurately communicated from generation to generation.
Vision Statement
To develop a spiritually vibrant institution that is academically excellent, growth oriented, student centered, and financially sound.
Our Vision Statement contains these fives phrases explained below.
Spiritually Vibrant
Our graduates will be characterized as people with a passion for God and His holiness. They will be solidly grounded in Wesleyan theology. These dynamics will produce in them a radical commitment to holy living which includes a careful lifestyle and an evident zeal for proclaiming the good news of the Gospel in contemporary culture.
Academically Excellent
We will foster a love for learning that flows from our passion to serve well both our Lord and all for whom He died. This intensity will give energy and focus to academic work, creating a dynamic community of learners and producing well-prepared servant leaders for the kingdom of God.
Growth Oriented
As good stewards of the trust that is ours, we will never be placated by past or present accomplishments. Rather, with hearts thankful for God’s blessings we will earnestly pursue increasing excellence in the spiritual, academic and business life of the institution.
Student Centered
Our administration, faculty and staff deeply value our students as children and servants of God. We hold the nurture of Christian leaders as a trust from God.
As a part of this commitment, the administration values the faculty and staff as the college’s most valuable resource for serving the students, whose nurture is the purpose of our existence. They will seek policy that strengthens them spiritually, professionally and personally, so that they can, in turn, serve the students well.
We will create within this Christian community an atmosphere of mutual respect and confidence, holding each other accountable to the high calling of Christ, and promoting each other’s spiritual, academic, social, and material well-being.
Financially Sound
We will pursue financial policies that ensure dynamic growth, ensuring the continued development of the college for the work and purposes of God.